Exponential Rate Source

import "dart:math";

import "package:breaker/lambert_w_function.dart";

/// ExponentialRate models the position and velocity over time of an object
/// that experiences an acceleration proportional to its velocity.
/// The system of differential equations that govern our objects movement is:
/// dV(t)/dt = -lambda V(t)
/// dX(t)/dt = V(t)
class ExponentialRate
    final double initial_value;
    final double initial_rate;
    final double total_time;
    final double lambda;

    /// We know how far the object should travel, how long it should take to
    /// travel that far, and how fast it should be moving at the end of its
    /// travels.  Given these factors, the initial speed, and the
    /// proportionality coefficient (lambda), are completely defined.  But
    /// computing the initial speed is tricky.
    ExponentialRate(double initial_value,
                    double final_value,
                    double final_rate,
                    double total_time) :
                       _initial_rate(final_value - initial_value,

    /// We cache the value of lambda instead of recomputing it each time it is
    /// needed.
                              double initial_rate,
                              double final_rate,
                              double total_time) :
        initial_rate = initial_rate,
        total_time   = total_time,
        lambda       = _lambda(final_rate, initial_rate, total_time);

    ///                                                      start function rate
    /// Return the rate of change of the value at a given time.
    /// Time can be negative, positive, or zero, it should also be able to be
    /// positive or negative infinity, but I haven't verified that Dart's exp
    /// function correctly handles those cases.
    double rate(double time) => initial_rate * exp(-lambda * time);
    ///                                                        end function rate

    ///                                                     start function value
    /// Return the value at a given time.
    /// Time can be negative, positive, or zero, it should also be able to be
    /// positive or negative infinity, but I haven't verified that Dart's exp
    /// function correctly handles those cases.
    double value(double time)
        // This version of hex maintains about 14 digits of precision, not full
        // machine precision (~16 digits for doubles).
        double hex(double x)
            // A threshold of 10^-2 seems like a good compromise.  The smaller
            // the threshold is, the fewer terms we need to use to accurately
            // evaluate hex.  But smaller thresholds increase the loss of
            // significance when using the exponential form below.  The
            // truncation error introduced by a threshold of 10^-2 is O(x^6),
            // or on the order of 1e-12.  In fact, the first term that we lose
            // from the sum is x^6/6!, or 10^-12/720, or 1.38e-15, so our
            // truncation error is closer to 1e-15.
            if (x.abs() < 1e-2)
                return 1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + x / 5) * x / 4) * x / 3) * x / 2;

            // The worst case loss of significance from the subtraction below
            // will be when x = 10^-2.
            // log2(1-(1/e^(10^-2))) ~ -6.6
            // So we can expect to loose 7 bits of precision, from our doubles
            // 53 bit mantissa.  Or ~2 digits from our ~16 digits of precision.
            return (exp(x) - 1) / x;

        return initial_value + initial_rate * time * hex(-lambda * time);
    ///                                                       end function value

    ///                                             start function _initial_rate
    /// Return the initial rate that will result in the given change in value
    /// and rate, over the specified total time.
    /// delta_value in [        0 .. infinity)
    /// final_rate  in (-infinity .. infinity)
    /// total_time  in [        0 .. infinity)
    static double _initial_rate(double delta_value,
                                double final_rate,
                                double total_time)
        /// If delta_value is zero, then final_rate must also be zero.  It is
        /// not possible to have zero change in value with a non-zero
        /// final_rate because the exponential is monotonic.
        assert(delta_value != 0.0 || final_rate == 0.0);

        /// Since we're not expected to change the value at all, and final_rate
        /// is zero, _initial_rate should also be zero.
        if (delta_value == 0.0)
            return 0.0;

        /// If total_time is zero, then delta_value must also be zero.  If
        /// delta_value were not zero we would have to somehow give two
        /// different values for the same instant in time.
        assert(total_time != 0.0 || delta_value == 0.0);

        /// If total_time is zero then _initial_rate will match final_rate.
        if (total_time == 0.0)
            return final_rate;

        final double A = -total_time * final_rate / delta_value;

        if (A > -1.0)
            return W_negative_one(A * exp(A)) * final_rate / A;

        if (A < -1.0)
            return W_zero(A * exp(A)) * final_rate / A;

        return final_rate;
    ///                                               end function _initial_rate

    ///                                                   start function _lambda
    /// Compute the proportionality coefficient lambda given the start and end
    /// rates as well as total time taken.
    static double _lambda(double final_rate,
                          double initial_rate,
                          double total_time)
        // If final_rate, or initial_rate is zero then the other must also be
        // zero.  This is because the only way to actually get to zero with an
        // exponential is to already be there.  And if you're there, there is
        // no way to leave.  In this case lambda should be zero, because our
        // rate is not changing.
        assert((final_rate == 0.0) == (initial_rate == 0.0));

        if (final_rate == 0.0)
            return 0.0;

        // Lambda is not a complex number, we are only interested in solving
        // for real values.  So final_rate and initial_rate must also have the
        // same sign.
        assert((final_rate > 0.0) == (initial_rate > 0.0));

        return -log(final_rate / initial_rate) / total_time;
    ///                                                     end function _lambda